Wei Unit Converter
Easily convert between Wei, Gwei, and Ether. Powered by Formo.
Gwei Calculator & Wei Converter
Use the fields below to calculate Gwei and convert Wei. Ideal for Web3 builders and teams.
What is Wei?
Wei is the smallest unit of Ether, the native currency of Ethereum. One Ether equals 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^18) Wei. Since Ethereum transactions require computational power, fees are denominated in Wei and paid as "gas."
Wei is named after Wei Dai, a cryptography pioneer who contributed to the early theoretical foundations of cryptocurrencies. His work on b-money laid the groundwork for smart contracts and decentralized finance
What is Gwei?
Gwei (short for giga-wei) is a common unit for Ethereum gas fees. One Gwei equals 1,000,000,000 (10^9) Wei. It is also known as nanoether or Shannon, named after Claude Shannon, a mathematician known for information theory.
Since gas fees are measured in Gwei, it's the most commonly used unit for transactions. The standard gas cost for a simple Ethereum transaction is 21,000 Gwei. However, fees fluctuate based on network demand and transaction complexity.
Gas Fee Formula:
Gas Units (Limit) × (Base Fee + Tip)
With EIP-1559, Ethereum introduced a base fee and an optional priority tip to optimize transaction fees.
How to Convert Wei to Gwei
Divide the total Wei amount by 1 billion (10^9):
420,069,000,000 Wei / 1,000,000,000 = 420.069 Gwei
To get the value in USD:
Gwei × (ETH price / 1,000,000,000)
If 1 ETH = $1,000, then:
420.069 Gwei = $0.000420069
How to Convert Wei to Ether
Divide the total Wei amount by 1 quintillion (10^18):
100,000,000,000,000 Wei / 10^18 = 0.0001 ETH
To get the value in USD:
ETH × ETH price
If 1 ETH = $1,000, then:
0.0001 ETH = $0.10

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