90+ Web3 Buyer Persona Survey Questions to ask target users


25 Jun 2024

90+ Web3 Buyer Persona Survey Questions to ask target users

Creating a buyer persona is critical to tailoring marketing efforts and effectively connecting with target users. Web3 projects can boost their customer engagement and retention by aligning marketing strategies with buyer persona insights. Let's explore 90+ of the best Web3 Buyer Persona Survey Questions for your Web3 startup.

Buyer persona survey questions are critical for startups to understand their target users

Buyer persona survey questions are critical for startups to understand their target users

Buyer personas overview

Buyer personas are detailed representations of your target users based on research and data. They help you understand demographics, behaviors, pain points, and motivations to inform marketing messaging and outreach.

Characteristics a buyer persona might include:

  • Likes: Use targeted advertising to maintain interest and reach conversion

  • Dislikes: Avoid marketing campaigns that lead to negative reactions

  • Motivations: Learn what drives customer decisions and incorporate them into marketing messages

  • Decision process: Understand how users evaluate products to ensure you are their top choice

Why use surveys to define your buyer personas?

Surveys are a valuable way to create buyer personas, especially when dealing with large numbers of prospects and customers. The insights gained from surveys help you to personalize content, optimize demand generation, and tailor product messaging to the unique needs of each persona.

Persona development is a collaborative process that involves collecting insights from research, sales and support teams, and user interviews. 

Customize the list of Web3 buy persona survey questions to ensure relevance to your project.

Analyze demographic information to identify the segments most interested in your products or services

Analyze demographic information to identify the segments most interested in your products or services

How to write Web3 Buyer Persona Survey Questions

When developing buyer persona surveys, focus on questions that relate to the respondent's background, challenges, and goals. These questions include personal details such as age, income level, and gender. 

Because they're more sensitive, it's best to place them toward the end of the survey, after you've established some trust with respondents. By asking 8-10 questions, you can collect enough information to efficiently build your buyer personas.

Example: "What is your age? (Choose one answer.)"

  • 65 or older

  • Age 55-64

  • Age 45-54

  • Age 35-44

  • Age 25-34

  • 21-24 years old

  • 20 years old or younger

Understand the common reasons that prevent or limit users from buying the products and services they want, such as high prices, limited budgets, or difficulty finding the right plan.

Example: "What is the most common reason that prevents or limits you from buying the marketing tools you want? (Choose one answer.)"

  • Top brands are too expensive

  • My budget is limited

  • Difficulty finding the right plan

  • Other: Please specify

Identify the primary goals users are trying to achieve with the online product or service they are purchasing, such as integration, privacy, and ease of use.

Example: "What are your primary goals for the marketing tools you purchase? (Select all that apply.)"

  • Integration with third parties 

  • Privacy

  • Easy to use interface.

  • Other: Please specify

Remember to include at least one open-ended question in your Web3 Buyer Persona Survey Questions to gain additional insight into your target user's values and preferences.

90+ Web3 Buyer Persona Survey Questions

Different categories of buyer persona questions can provide insight into who the user is and how they select products to purchase. Here are 90+ examples of buyer persona questions and the purpose of each category:

A key goal of creating buyer personas is to identify the ideal user's background, challenges, and buying behaviors

A key goal of creating buyer personas is to identify the ideal user's background, challenges, and buying behaviors


  1. What gender do they identify as?

  2. Where do they live? Is it rural, suburban, or urban?

  3. What is their level of education and what subjects have they studied?

  4. Do they own their homes or rent?

  5. Where do they work?

  6. Do they travel to an office or telecommute?

  7. What is their relationship status?

  8. What language(s) do they speak?

  9. Do they have children or other dependents?

  10. Do they have pets?

  11. What is their salary/total household income?

Job information

  1. Do they own their own business or work for someone else?

  2. What industry do they work in?

  3. What's their title?

  4. How did they get into that role/industry? What is the career path that led them there?

  5. How big is the company (employees and revenue)?

  6. What is a typical workday like?

  7. What skills, knowledge, tools, and experience does their job require?

  8. Which of these tools do they enjoy using? Which ones frustrate them?

  9. What are their biggest challenges at work? How are they currently dealing with them? How would they ideally handle them?

  10. What does "busy work" look like to them?

  11. How do they define job "success"?

  12. What metrics are they accountable for?

  13. What do they ultimately want from their career?

  14. What are the experience and education requirements for the position?

  15. How large is the client's employer?

  16. Identify the client's technical skills.

  17. Is the client a leader in the organization?

  18. What is the job title of the client's direct supervisor?

  19. How does the supervisor rate the client's job performance?

  20. What technology does the user use to perform his or her job?

  21. What metrics does the client's employer use to determine a competent employee?

Personal attitudes, goals, values, fears, and challenges

  1. What are their biggest challenges outside of work (home, family, health, etc)?

  2. What stresses them daily?

  3. How do these challenges and stressors affect your daily life?

  4. What is their greatest fear?

  5. What are their goals in life?

  6. What causes are they passionate about?

  7. What motivates them to take action? Fear, growth, power, achievement?

  8. How do they go about making changes in their lives?

  9. What keeps them from achieving their goals?

Personal preferences

  1. How do they define "fun"?

  2. What are their hobbies and interests outside of work?

  3. How do their hobbies relate to your brand?

  4. Who is most important in their lives?

  5. How do they spend their weekends?

  6. Where do they get their news?

  7. Where do they go for advice or information?

  8. What are their favorite websites?

  9. What blogs or publications are they reading?

  10. How do they prefer to consume this information (online newspapers/television/podcasts)?

  11. What social media platforms do they use (and how actively)?

  12. How tech-savvy are they?

  13. How do they prefer to communicate (phone/email/text)?

  14. What associations, forums, or social networks do they participate in?

  15. What resources do they use to keep up with current events?

  16. What channels do they use to connect with people they know?

  17. How likely is the user to use a search engine to learn about a product?

  18. What keywords about your products might interest the user?

  19. Discuss the user's reading habits, including news articles, blogs, and editorials.

  20. Does the user have an active social media profile? If so, on what platforms?

  21. What types of digital content resonate best with the user? Graphics or video?

  22. What online communities does the user actively participate in?

  23. Does the user click on links to visit a brand's website?

  24. Identify industry conferences and trade shows the user is likely to attend.

Buying behavior

  1. Where do they spend their money? Do they tend to shop in person or online?

  2. What are their most common hesitations, doubts, or objections?

  3. How do they research what to buy? Google, review sites, word of mouth, thought leaders?

  4. What keywords do they use to search for answers?

  5. How long does their evaluation process take?

  6. What criteria do they consider? Price, features, appearance, ease of use, etc.?

  7. What emotional buttons trigger their purchases?

  8. Do they prefer to buy online, over the phone, or in person?

  9. How do they want to feel when they use the product?

  10. What are their favorite and most used brands?

  11. Why do they choose those brands over others? 

  12. How likely is the user to make repeat purchases of the same products?

  13. How long does it take the user to make a purchase decision?

  14. Does the user often buy expensive or inexpensive products?

  15. How does the user determine whether a product is expensive or inexpensive?

Product- or service-specific characteristics

These questions relate to your persona's relationship with your company.

  1. What are their reasons for buying your product or using your service?

  2. Is this their first time buying from your company?

  3. How specifically can your company help them overcome their challenges?

  4. How does your solution fit into their lives?

  5. What will they ultimately achieve by using your product or service?

  6. What features are they looking for when they browse your inventory?

  7. What are their values?

  8. What are their fears about making an investment?

  9. Identify other companies that sell similar products and target the same users as the company you work for.

  10.  How likely is the user to consider a competitor over the products you promote?

  11. What does the user want to accomplish with the purchase?

  12. How do they differentiate their goals?

  13. What challenges might affect their journey to their goals?

  14. What impact do these challenges have on the user's life?

  15. How can your product help alleviate these challenges?

  16. What information can motivate the user to seek help?

Understand onchain users and build better products with Formo

Understand onchain users and build better products with Formo

Understanding Web3 users with Onchain Data

Get actionable insights on web3 user behavior with Formo’s survey templates. Formo helps you gain a deeper understanding of your Web3 users based on onchain and offchain data with advanced token gating features. 

Use Web3 Buyer Persona Survey Questions to understand your users’ behavior and preferences at a deeper level. Buyer personas help you better engage, support, and retain your onchain users. 

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